Monday, September 6, 2010

The Powerful Summer

Oh, interesting things. You make me smile and stop to think.

This summer was phenomenal. God moved so powerfully, and I cannot express my thanks to Him for the revelations that He gave to me about my life, my loves, and my mindsets.

He has reestablished in me a desire to be different--a desire to change--to be continually growing in and toward Him. It is not easy, as I have found out even during the few short days I have been back at school. It is unbelievably easy to fall back into the same niche that I have been in in the past two years. No one else spent the whole summer with me; no one else knows the changes that God has wrought in my life. People don't expect change. They expect and want continuity. But I don't! I want to be different. So I have one request: let me. Let me work on my changes. And help me. Call me out on negativity. Negativity towards anything. Don't be afraid to. A friend called me out a couple days ago. It wasn't fun, but I am so grateful to her, and it helped me realize that she is a true friend.

That is all that I have to say so far about my summer. There is so much more, and I could go on about the specifics of the summer, but that is much better to do at least vocally, if not in person.

So, I will leave you for now. Go in humility and know the eternity from which you have been saved.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

It's a dance

A discussion with one of my professors today brought this idea back to my mind. I've thought of my life this way before, but really, it should be filling my life and thoughts. The life of one who follows Christ shouldn't be boring. It shouldn't be the life of one who follows a strict regimen of what they do. We've all heard that Christianity isn't a bunch of "don't" statements, but rather, "do's." Yeah, that's all well and good, but still, it's boring.

But it doesn't have to be!

There is another way to live. Rather, another thought process to take up! Our relationship with the Savior is a dance! A dance! How awesome is that? I need to start remembering that in my life. It's been in my mind today, for sure.

Our life with Christ is a romance. A great love story, as a friend of mine put it. Why don't we get excited about Jesus? He gets excited about us, for sure.

So, right now, I am excited. I am excited because I am dancing with Jesus. He picks me up, throws me in the air and catches me. He's awesome, and I love Him to death.

Monday, March 22, 2010

In MY time, I will accomplish, says the Lord

I realized something about myself the other day. I am not a very patient person.

No, I don't mean that I get aggravated waiting in long lines at the sub shop, or shout curses at slow people on the road. Rather, I'm impatient in my life.

Part of this stems from my determination. When something needs to get done (other than homework, and the like...) I want to do it right away. If I need to get something done, a form filled out, etc. I want to do it immediately. I don't want to have to wait for it. However, God seems to not like this very much. He's really big into making me wait. Whether it's for an answer to a prayer, provision for a need, or simply a desire in my heart, God seems to like to show me how His timing is certainly not my own.

The most recent example is regarding my trip to Togo and Ghana, Africa, this May. It was not until the past week that He revealed to me just how exactly I was going to meet the $3,000 need for my portion of the trip. Mind you, I have been working on this trip since last Autumn. Another instance was with my car. For the entire summer, we had been searching for a car for me. However, it was not until 3 days before school that we found a car for me. Talk about a major worry situation!

These situations are the ones that frustrate me the most! I want to get these things done right away, but God says, "No. In MY time, I will accomplish it."

There are still many things that I am waiting on... Some patiently, others... well, I still struggle. Though, I suppose that is what it means to be human. We try and try and try to be like God, but still fall so short. Thank GOD for grace so amazing!

For now,


Saturday, March 20, 2010

Some initial beginnings

I don't care if you read this. Really. It's a blog. You know how many of millions of people are blogging out there?

Me neither, but it's a lot.
My point is, this is just an open book. I'm gonna write things, and you can choose to read them or not. Who knows? Maybe someday I'll die (well, I'm kinda hoping I do) and this will become unbelievably famous for its wisdom and insight.

Likelihood? Not high. Oh, well. I never claimed to be great.

So, for now, I will leave this as the beginning.

S'long chums,